Pennsylvanians for Human Life Logo - PHL provides educational information 
                                              to approximately 35,000 people each 
                                              year. Pennsylvanians for Human Life Logo - PHL provides educational information 
                                              to approximately 35,000 people each 
Pro Life Resources:

PHL regularly monitors a wide range of sources of information for news, insights, opinions, explanations, surveys, and any other kind of information on the issues relating to threats human life. Much of this information winds up as paper copies in our files and is available to anyone. A large and increasing fraction of this information comes from the Internet.

Because of the sheer volume of such information PHL is attempting to organize some of the most important items of information and some of the most useful sources in a way helpful to persons trying to understand these issues.

The following are web five pages with such information.

Web Sites

A listing of links to other web sites with life-related information. Most of these sites are pro-life but PHL has also listed other useful web sites, such as that of the Alan Guttmacher Institute, the research arm of Planned Parenthood.

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A recommended list of books which PHL believes are worth reading. Like the listing of web sites many of these are pro-life but many more are neutral and some are clearly biased in the other direction.


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Book Reviews

A few of these books are reviewed in detail.

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Articles of Interest

A listing and brief description of recent articles addressing pro-life issues. The sources of these articles are listed.

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Dictionary of Terms

One of the major problems in discussing pro-life issues and the various threats to human life is that the terms used are often used in a way that leads to misunderstanding, sometimes deliberately so. PHL has listed many of these terms with the intent of clarifying their true meaning.

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Pennsylvanians for Human Life | 590 Snyder Avenue, West Chester, PA 19382 | Call Us: 610.6960780
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