Pennsylvanians for Human Life Logo - PHL provides educational information to approximately 35,000 people each year.Pennsylvanians for Human Life Logo - PHL provides educational information to approximately 35,000 people each year.

Banquet 2012


Welcome to PHL's website!


Pennsylvanians for Human Life has been providing respect life presentations throughout southeastern Pennsylvania since 1971.

It is now 40 years later. Where the right to life of the unborn was the primary issue when we began, today the topics have expanded to include infanticide, physician-assisted suicide, euthanasia, and biotechnology. The reasons to justify abortion are now being extended to rationalize causing the death of the most vulnerable: the newborn, handicapped, disabled and elderly.

Our mission remains the same - that every life is precious and irreplaceable and worthy of protection.

The presentations are factual without religious or political overtones. We receive daily updates from many sources and we have numerous contacts and links through PHL's facebook* page. (*Pennsylvaniansfor HumanLife)



Education holds the key to change!

Topics at a Glance...

Pro-Life 101: Includes fetal development, Legislation and Alternatives.

The Reality of Abortion:The physical and emotional consequences; post-abortion testimony.

End-of-Life Issues: If we can deny the right-to-life of the most vulnerable among us, how much easier has it become to question the right-to-life of the physically challenge, the elderly, and those who are suffering?

The Global Impact of Abortion.



It's easy to schedule a pro-life presentation!

Call us @ 610-696-0780 or


" No challenge is more important to the character of America than restoring the right to life." Ronald Reagan





"The future belongs to those who give the next generation reason for hope."

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J.

4D ultrasound image of a 23 week old fetus



In January 2008, National Right to Life cited an increase in pro-life educational outreach and legislative initiatives as central to a new report issued by the Alan Guttmacher Institute, the special research arm of Planned Parenthood, showing the annual number of abortions reaching their lowest level in nearly 30 years. (

"Today's numbers confirm what we have known for years - if women seeking abortion are fully informed about the risks surrounding abortion, the development of their unborn child, and public and private assistance available in their area - they are likely to reject the idea of abortion."

Randall K. O'Bannon, Ph.D., National Right to Life Committee, director of education and research

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Click here to see the amazing development of the unborn!

Pennsylvanians for Human Life educates the public on life issues in an informative, non-judgemental manner.

PHL programs are age-appropriate and suitable for elementary, middle school and high school students; P.R.E.P., CCD, Life Teen, CYO, Parent-Teacher Organizations; college and graduate level classes.





"We must be the change we wish to see in the world."



Knowledge is power...

Please call on us to be consultants to both students and teachers with regard to special projects and research papers.

We have an extensive collection of books, newsletters, fetal models and DVD's.

We are happy to share all materials.