"The future belongs to those who give the next generation reason for hope." Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J.  4D ultrasound image of a 23 week old fetus EDUCATION WORKS! In January 2008, National Right to Life cited an increase in pro-life educational outreach and legislative initiatives as central to a new report issued by the Alan Guttmacher Institute, the special research arm of Planned Parenthood, showing the annual number of abortions reaching their lowest level in nearly 30 years. (www.guttmacher.org/media/nr/2008/01/17/index.html) "Today's numbers confirm what we have known for years - if women seeking abortion are fully informed about the risks surrounding abortion, the development of their unborn child, and public and private assistance available in their area - they are likely to reject the idea of abortion." Randall K. O'Bannon, Ph.D., National Right to Life Committee, director of education and research Make a Donation | Email Us | | Click here to see the amazing development of the unborn! Pennsylvanians for Human Life educates the public on life issues in an informative, non-judgemental manner. PHL programs are age-appropriate and suitable for elementary, middle school and high school students; P.R.E.P., CCD, Life Teen, CYO, Parent-Teacher Organizations; college and graduate level classes. |