name is Joseph W. Mele;
I'm twenty years old
and a junior at the
University of Scranton.
That in itself is an
accomplishment never
thought achievable by
the Doctors and Nurses
when I was born. I was
born February 13, 1983,
which wouldn't out of
the ordinary, except
that my scheduled due
date was May 13, making
me 3 months premature.
My mother was in a nervous
state, my father was
beside himself. While
my mother was waiting
to give birth, the head
neonatologist entered
my mother's room while
she was alone. The neonatologist
said "I recommend that
you have an abortion
(abortion papers were
in her hand and completed,
they just need my mother's
signature) at 28 weeks
abortions are legal.
Your son probably won't
live through the birth,
if he does he'll be
in pain, his spine could
be exposed, his lungs
could collapse, he most
likely won't walk and
if he does it won't
be until age 6 with
the help of leg braces,
he'll be mentally and
physically disabled.
Why would you want to
put him through all
of that pain and suffering?
Your child still is
not considered viable.
It is for the best,
I don't want you to
become attached to your
child, and it is for
the best." My mother
replied "get out"(the
neonatologist left),
then my mother said
a prayer "Lord, I'm,
not going to make any
deals, please let my
son be okay, after this
I am going back to church."
I was
born at two pounds three
and a quarter ounces,
my APGAR(a test preformed
at birth to assess child's
health, a scale from
0-9, 0 equaling dead)
was 0, but I was brought
to 3(which is very critical,
but alive). I would
stop breathing at points,
to get me to breathe
wasn't caused by a machine
or some medication,
but human touch, I would
stop breathing and a
nurse would simply touch
my arm and I'd breathe
again. I remained in
the hospital until the
summer and I went home
with my parents.
the first two years
of my life I was deaf,
my hearing (by the grace
of God) developed. I
under went speech and
physical therapy for
most of the early part
of my life. On my wrists
I can still see scars
left by the IVs, they
are a constant reminder.
As for the rest of my
life, I grew up with
family and friends who
love me. I went to New
York Military Academy
(because I wanted to
go to the Air Force
Academy), there I played
Football, was a Raider
(a JROTC intense physical
and mental sport), I
graduated as Alpha Company
commander; I was in
charge on average 90
cadets. I was involved
with the Catholic Youth
Organization; my youth
group was based in St.
Thomas of Canterbury.
I became an officer
in the youth group after
a few meetings, that
spring I was elected
to Orange County 1st
Vice President, and
later nominated to Blair
Co-Chair for the Archdioceses
Board. Under guidance
of my Headmaster I choose
to attend the University
of Scranton, now I'm
a double major Counseling/
Human Services and Theology
with a concentration
in Pastoral Studies.
I'm Public Relations
officer for Students
for Life, Treasurer
for Counseling Human
Services Association,
a Alcohol and Drug awareness
Peer Educator, Young
adult Youth advisor
for a Youth Group in
West Scranton, and still
have time for my amazing
friends and family.
Last semester my GPA
was a 3.6 and that previous
fall semester was 3.5.
Not bad for someone
who had a 0 for their
life hasn't been easy
either, in junior high
I was picked on because
I was "different", high
school I had to rise
to occasion to be a
leader at 17-18, and
in college I lost my
ROTC scholarship because
I have mild sports induced
asthma. Last summer
I was diagnosed with
Hepatitis C, which I
had since birth from
a blood transfusion.
My family and friends
have supported me as
they've always done
and most likely always
will do. The viral load
present in my blood
and liver damage is
very minimal (which
I completely chalk up
to God for that Grace),
so I will undergo a
year of treatment starting
in May. Providing it
does not take me out
completely, I'll continue
through my senior year,
if not I'll stop treatment
and wait until later
in life. Treatment consists
of a shot once a week
and a pill everyday.
of the bad times were
not fun, but it is all
a part of God's providence
and there is meaning
to all of it, so I accept
it and go day by day.
I sometimes wonder why
I have voice, why I
was not silenced like
so many aborted or disabled
children. After the
Pro-life conference
in Scranton I understand
now, there are others
out there who were "unviable
and deemed okay" for
an abortion. We have
a voice that was failed
to be silenced and we
are living proof that
the quality of life
can not be measured
by "societies" standards
because for all the
trials in my life and
difficulties I would
not trade them in at
all, not one. The reason
why is because all that
I have, that I get to
wake up each morning,
go to sleep at night,
breathe in the morning
air, watch a sunset,
have best friends, a
wonderful family, eat
a meal, go to a class;
I would not be where
I am today if my life
was without one second
of suffering and pain.
I would also not have
the same relationship
with God that I have
right now and I can
not even fathom my life
without my relationship
with Jesus. I am proof
that Doctors can be
wrong, that one life
can have unlimited possibilities
if just given a chance,
you can never be sure.