of Pro-Life Feminism |

insight is offered into the
roots of pro-life feminism.
The early suffragist movement
was a movement concerned not
only with the right-to-vote,
but also with securing human
rights for all persons. Most
prominent womens’ rights
activists during the suffragist
movement were also abolitionists
and were unequivocally pro-life.
The Feminist Case Against
“Abortion is the ultimate
exploitation of women.”
Alice Paul, Author of
the Original E.R.A. (Equal Rights
Amendment), 1923.
“Sweeter even than
to have had the joy of caring
for children of my own has
it been to me to help bring
about a better state of things
for mothers generally, so
their unborn little ones could
not be willed away from them.”
Susan B. Anthony,
This presentation defends
women’s rights and
the belief that these rights
do not come at the expense
of others, especially those
of our pre-born children.
In calling for abortion
rights as the ultimate guarantee
that women can control their
own bodies, abortion advocates
are viewing a woman’s
body as a kind of territory
to be subdued, interfered
with, dominated. This is
not a feminist perspective,
regardless of how many people
maintain that it is.
Trained volunteer educators
offer a commitment to the
philosophy that all human
life from conception until
natural death deserves dignity
and protection.
The Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Lectures discuss prominent
feminist philosophies and
critique their failure to
recognize the unborn child’s
right to life.
Without known exception,
the early American feminists
condemned abortion in the
strongest possible terms.
In Susan B. Anthony’s
newsletter, The Revolution,
abortion was described as
“child murder,”
and “foeticide.”
Elizabeth Cady Stanton,
who in 1848 organized the
first women’s rights
convention in Seneca Falls,
New York, classified abortion
as a form of infanticide
and said, “When we
consider that women are
treated as property, it
is degrading to women that
we should treat our children
as property to be disposed
of as we see fit.”
The anti-abortion laws
that early feminists worked
so hard to enact to protect
women and children were
the very ones destroyed
by the Roe vs. Wade decision
100 years later - a decision
hailed by the National Organization
for Women (NOW) as the “emancipation
of women.”
The Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Lectures discuss the possibility
that a pro-life philosophy
is and can be consistent with
prominent feminist philosophies.