Fetology is the study of unborn
babies. Scientific evidence
confirms that human life begins
at conception.
Conception takes place
in the fallopian tube when the
mother’s egg (ovum) and
the father’s sperm meet,
each contributing 23 chromosomes
-- result in the creation of
a brand new cell. The father’s
23 chromosomes include either
the X or Y chromosome, which
will determine the gender of
the baby.
The human ovum
is about the size of a pencil
Fallopian tube is approximately
4” long and can be compared
to a bristle of a hair brush.
All the sperm cells in the world
could fit into a thimble; all
the eggs in the world could
fit into a cookie jar!
Egg survives 12-24 hours only.
ZYGOTE is the name
used to describe the developing
baby for the first 2 weeks.
At this point baby has its
own DNA - genetic make-up; gender
and blood type. (often different
than the mom or dad’s).
The baby’s heart is BEATING
before the mother misses her
first period.
MITOSIS- the process of cells
multiplying during the ZYGOTE
At no time after conception
is this child a part of the
woman’s body. It is merely
using her womb as an anchorage;
Mothers’ contributions
are nutrition and oxygen. Please
note - when a pregnant woman
is hospitalized, there are two
charts at the end of her bed
because the doctors know that
there are two patients.
Two different doctors will
care for the woman - a pediatrician
for the baby and an obstetrician
for the woman.
EMBRYO is term used to describe
the developing baby from 2 weeks
- 8 weeks. The fertilized cell
travels out of the fallopian
tube and implants onto the wall
of the uterus (womb). The umbilical
cord connects baby with mother
(via placenta). Trophoblast
is the name of the tissue that
surrounds the embryo that will
turn into the placenta.
- At 3 weeks (19 days), Doctors
can hear the heartbeat;
- At 6 weeks the brain-waves
can be detected (the central
nervous system is in place
with a very raw system, resulting
in very sensitive nerve-endings)..
- At 7 weeks the skeletal
system is complete. Baby has
a mouth with lips, an early
- At 8 weeks the fingerprints
are set.
FETUS is Latin for “little
one.” This is what developing
baby is called from 8 weeks
to birth. At 10 weeks, every
organ is in place and functioning.
Bones begin to calcify at this
time. The baby only grows and
matures. Tiny human feet are
completely formed. Fingerprints
and footprints will never change
for the rest of our lives.
At 10 weeks the baby is highly
responsive to touch (when eyelids
or palms are touched, they close).
Baby can squint, swallow, stick
out his tongue. Cartilage is
now calcifying to become bone.
The baby is sensitive to light
at 16 weeks. The baby responds
to sounds at 27 weeks. 2/3 of
human development takes place
in mother’s womb.